Friday, October 17, 2014

I got an internship ! ღ 94

Hey y'all !

I have some great news to share on the blog today !

Remember my 101 in 1001 list ?  Well, I do ! One of my goals was to find two internships for my masters. I did the first one in Dublin from March to August and I have another six months to do in 2015. There are not a lot of long time internships in France and I was really worried I would not find one or would have to move far from home. Moreover, my dream job would be to create trips and most of the time only big companies do it and most of them are based in big cities. As I already said, I do not really feel comfortable in the city and it is so expensive ! I had another opportunity in Ireland but Guillaume is really attached to his family (so am I) and he was quite reluctant to follow me there.

In August, when I came back to France, I was a little tensed. I did not really know what to do, where to look. Accept the internship in Ireland ? Try elsewhere ? Was I ready to move to the other side of France ? What if Guillaume found a job in our region ? I had so many questions and no answers ... Because in our case, as students or young graduated, you cannot foresee the future and make plans in advance. So I felt really stressed about it.

I decided to start applying to big travel companies, those in the big cities. As it was a bit early, I did not get any answer. I took my time, thought about it and in September, I kept sending emails here and there, without any expectations. But only a few minutes after applying, I received a positive answer: an agency wanted to meet me ! And it was in our area: only an hour from my parents and a few kilometers from Guillaume's ! The agency is actually located near the city Guillaume and I met, when we were studying English ... I was so excited and I could not believe it ! It was too good to be true ! When I told Guillaume, he was washing the dishes (yeap, I remember this detail) and he was so happy ! We immediately started to make plans, to imagine how great it would be to stay close to our families and friends. We knew that nothing was sure, that is was only a possibility. But it was just so good to believe for a minute that we wont have to be separated again ... 

I had the interview a couple of days ago, and it did not start very well. For a few minutes, I told myself that this offer was WAY too good to be true ! That I had been silly to believe that it could actually happen. Truth is, the director forgot we were supposed to meet that morning ! Luckily, she lived nearby and came an hour later. She did not ask me about my skills or whatever, but about what I wanted to do during my internship ! I mean: what kind of boss do that ? She told me directly that the minute she read my application, she wanted me in her company. She also talked about a big project she has for the agency and which will be my main mission during my six months there. I am super excited !

I seriously never thought I would have the chance to work in our region. I know that I will miss Ireland, and despite the fact that I love this country and want to live there for years, I am absolutely ok with this decision. I am happy to be close to Granny, my parents, friends and Guillaume. And I have to admit that I would be delighted to get a job after this internship and finally settle down for a while !

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